Two Pixel Enemy preview interviews with WiNGSPANTT live: Shadows of the Damned and Alice Madness Returns
Late last month, I had the opportunity to attend an EA press event with Jay Michaels. I previously featured his group, Pixel Enemy, since their YouTube channel is chock full of gaming strategy segments, and the chance to attend a real-life
palm greasing press event was something I couldn’t turn down. Since it was among my first game developer public relations outings, I was nervous (but on the surface, I looked calm and ready) to drop bombs like, “Why the fuck should we care about these games?” and “Wow, this game looks pretty good, considering you guys must not have been trying very hard.”
Of course, the actual experience is a little different. The rooms are huge and loud, filled with free booze, food, and assorted bribes goodies. Dozens of game journalists, ranging from hobbyists to big names like N’Gai Croal crowd around screens for a chance to see what EA has to offer. While I had eyes-on time with a host of games including Crysis 2, Portal 2, and Fancypants Adventures, I took a few minutes with the PR reps for Shadows of the Damned and Alice: Madness returns to get a sense of what these games were about.
As indicated by the graphic above, these videos feature me in all my godlike glory. You have been warned.
Shadows of the Damned
Alice: Madness Returns
This is exactly what I thought when people asked you to take a picture of you wearing two headsets.
I’m concerned that your face might not live up to your badass voice, so I won’t be watching these videos.
Haha, thanks. At least you’re honest!
That said, I’m hoping to provide some E3 coverage, which would make it hard to avoid.
Ha I remember playing the original Alice a few years ago. New one looks bad ass. No surprise on what you look like though, considering I watched Life in a Game.
Best part ever: Combine piece of paper and herb? Yes. You made a joint. Used lighter on joint. Nice.
Haha, yes, that was a fun episode. Perhaps the most fun to make, since we made it in a single night in a nearly abandoned town facility. You know, and playing a zombie is good fun.
Actually I was somewhat disappointed in this Alice game. The graphics in-game are kind of shoddy and the animations and particle effects lack polish. Combat seemed all right, but it also felt a little generic. I guess we’ll see, though.
He’s even dreamier than I imagined!
This cannon BE youtube Wont WORK!? This must be a sign….
WiNG is slightly taller and comes with more glasses than I expected. Glad you’ve shown your face. NOW SUFFER!
Before I go on, I have to ask: do you work for PE? I think I’ve heard your name dropped from some of their directors, though I’ve been wrong before.
Do more of this kind of thing. It’s fun.