
Top Tier Tactics gives away games, DLC, codes, and more.
8 2947

It's the final countdown. With all Qualifying Round gameplay completed, recorded, and uploaded, the eleven best players of our Assassinate cohort are now...
29 7045

Last month, RobyRK93 climbed from the dregs of Bracket A to the glory of becoming our tournament champion. February may be a...
35 7315

After poring over a ridiculously complicated Excel document all night, I've finally managed to schedule the Top Tier Tactics ACR tournament. The roster is...
94 20526

Well, it's that time of the month again. No, not the time of month when touching a woman is punishable by stoning. The time...
0 4163

I know people are always looking for these (for some reason) and I also know they’re not really worth much, so I figured I’d...
15 6762

The moment you've all been waiting for is here: The Xbox 360 T3 ACR Tournament...
8 4021

Well, this is it: the moment you've all been waiting for. Wait, what's that? This isn't the finals match? It's just Bracket D of the...
assassins creed revelations ezio closeup
1 3717

The hits just keep on comin' here at T3. You've watched Bracket A and Bracket B of our
6 4280

At this point you've probably seen the footage from Qualifying Bracket A of the Top Tier Tactics Assassin's Creed Revelations Xbox...
12 4804

All four Qualifying Brackets of the T3 Xbox Assassin's Creed Revelations tournament are complete, though it will still...