
12 9314

Well, shit. Remember the Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 DLC leak that hinted at IRL-locked content? Turns...
0 1784

One of the best things about video games, I think, is their variety. I don't just mean by genre or style of play, or...
0 5315

This year at E3, one of the most exciting games shown at E3 was Bethesda's Dishonored. After showing an incredibly badass trailer a few...
3 3448

At E3 2012, we got a brief chance to stop by the good folks at CCP and preview Dust514, their upcoming free to play...
1 3527

Recently I had the opportunity to play through Romino Games' Awesomenauts, a 2D DOTA-style game. I'm not much of a DOTA guy and never...
0 3314

Borderlands was a game that I thoroughly enjoyed, but felt was very deeply flawed, especially for those who had to play alone. Of course when you...
7 4024

There is a void at E3. A space between the convention halls. A shadowy pit so dark, so desolate, that mere mortals fear to...
2 1807

It's that time of year again. Though the rest of the T3 crew couldn't make the trek, I, Rabid Ferret, am here to save...
9 6845

Every once in a while I'll get a message from another player who seems to have "hit a dead end." They've put their share...
6 5514

For those of you who read DeathPDC's DLC Speculation article and have subsequently seen the new trailer, I have a question: how close...