
0 5262

Oh HiRez, are you ever content with Smite. Of course not. Once you have achieved your masterwork, what else would there be to make?...
0 15031

Today, Ubisoft pushed out a patch for the PC version of Splinter Cell: Blacklist. There are dozens of tiny little fixes, but some notable...
20 14165

Last month, we began a single elimination tournament with over 128 entrants. Competitors came from around the globe wielding all ten of Magic 2014's...
64 76927

Not going to mess around, here's what you need to know – the first (of X?) Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers expansions is...
6 3535

About two years ago, Top Tier Tactics saw its first major design change, upgrading from "the default theme" to "something that was actually programmed...
5 6013

The Humble Indie bundle has become a bit of a thing in the PC gaming community. Independent developers package up their budget titles, then consumers...
0 5789

Ever-so-faithfully exactly the day after a guide was written on it in order to invalidate that guide, Smite has seen another patch. The good...
6 5896

If you haven't heard of the Evolution Fighting Series, you're probably not very good at fighting games/a very smart human being. Every year, the...
3 5289

Getting a chance to play Battlefield 4 was no easy task. Each day at E3, DICE representatives would hand out a limited number...
7 4919

Since T3's resident Magic Pro is busy betraying his beloved cardboard wives with another, digital set of cardboard pieces, I figured I'd take...