
29 17662

When comparing decks in Duels of the Planeswalkers, as with many other things, relative matchups matter and subjective opinions are all you have to...
2 7251

Note: This is an article in a series dissecting the good, bad, and horrid of Dark Souls 2. Rebuttals to the arguments presented here will...
12 12423

Note: This is an article in a series dissecting the good, bad, and horrid of Dark Souls 2. Rebuttals to the arguments presented here will...
9 12497

Note: This is the first article in a series dissecting the good, bad, and horrid of Dark Souls 2. Rebuttals to the arguments presented...
28 14527

Today's guest article is written by shawntown, a long-time gamer, Magic player, and writer. Not necessarily in that order.
2 5841

Promising better graphics, better balance, an improved interface and (yes) paintable spaceships, CCP has rolled out a major patch for EVE Online: Rubicon today....
52 27092

After the releases of DotP12 on the 15th of June, DotP13 on the 20th of June, and DotP14 on the 26th of June, it...
25 17585

With five months and ten playthroughs of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag multiplayer under my belt, I think it's safe to say the general...
45 17713

Is it a leak? Is it an early release? Did Stainless decide to let Magic 2014 players open one present early this year? No matter...
13 19177

Welcome to Part 17 in WiNGSPANTT's Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag multiplayer strategy guide! Short introduction about ability balance and skill...