
0 15098

Today, Ubisoft pushed out a patch for the PC version of Splinter Cell: Blacklist. There are dozens of tiny little fixes, but some notable...
21 7997

The internet is abuzz with news of the newest Call of Battle 5.62: Specters of The Ancient East and its competitor Battle Called...something, something....
0 5827

Ever-so-faithfully exactly the day after a guide was written on it in order to invalidate that guide, Smite has seen another patch. The good...
14 18494

Overpowered is a word thrown this way and that by angry or misinformed gamers of all stripes. Sometimes the argument is legitimate, other times...
9 14899

Gentlemen – you may have noticed that, some weeks ago, our noble benefactors at Valve saw fit to deploy a massive update to Team...
7 4951

Since T3's resident Magic Pro is busy betraying his beloved cardboard wives with another, digital set of cardboard pieces, I figured I'd take...
25 29656

The entire fighting game community was shocked when, at a PAX East panel, Capcom revealed that Street Fighter 4 would be getting...
21 14086

While my worst fears about Assassin's Creed 4 multiplayer will probably never manifest, Ubisoft has confirmed the...
7 9077

I have been playing Battlefield titles for a decade now. I grew up with them being my favorite first person shooters, and Battlefield...
5 6064

By now, players of League of Legends  know that Patch Preview videos are released just before a patch goes live to go over some...