
21 11259

It happens with every multiplayer game. As the initial excitement wears off, complaints begin to surface: bugs, glitches, server problems... a whole host of...
22 11463

Now that the dust has settled a bit on Return to Ravnica, speculation is slowly turning towards Gatecrash, the second set in the new...
11 7459

Everyone knows the story of the Wizard of Oz. Girl gets tornadoed, witch gets housed, girl gets bling'd, witch gets pail'd, girl gets teleported....
25 11646

With Guild Wars 2 on the ever-nearing horizon and the beta access weekends over, it only makes sense that the Guild Wars fanbase is...
21 9648

If you've been online in the last few months, you've likely heard all about DayZ, possibly from our E3 interview with...
12 9412

Well, shit. Remember the Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 DLC leak that hinted at IRL-locked content? Turns...
9 7611

Want to know more about how I chose my main, Vega? Read Finding Your Niche . The benefit of playing...
14 8022

My history with fighting games is somewhat unorthodox. When gamers hear the words "fighting game", a couple franchises come to mind -
3 3661

Before you scroll down, here's the good news: lots of weapons got buffed. Nearly every assault rifle and SMG (yes, they are actually in...
15 9652

While Soul Calibur 5 has proven itself a fairly balanced game so far, Namco-Bandai has announced it will...