Tactical Tues/Thurs

5 6252

I understand that Tactical Tuesdays and Thursdays usually...
2 2939

[caption id="attachment_2558" align="alignright" width="256" caption="I don't know what the word "puntos" means, but rest assured if this man starts giving you his puntos, you're...
4 6153

From one Wordpress template blogger to another, I have to...
10 4492

Okay, so I guess this post really has nothing to do with zombie espionage, though the idea is interesting.* Instead, I've received a few...
12 4027

Thanks to ParanoidDrone for this Tactical Tuesday submission! [caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignright" width="256" caption="The westward stab is usually disfavored for its noisy execution and pithy, low-class...
3 3991

If, by some odd twist of fate, you've found my blog before you ever heard of David Sirlin, I would like to make a formal...
0 4075

"Long-time" readers may remember that back in July, Top Tier Tactics featured its first (and thus far only) guest article, authored by Xiant. This...