0 4742

Let's get this over with: I might not be the best teacher for Assassin's Creed multiplayer. I mean, I have plenty of experience with...
9 5269

I'm plodding my way through AC3 right now, and having played Revelations not long ago, I can honestly say there's been a downward trend...
4 4498

One of the most important parts about Assassin's Creed multiplayer is the psychology with which you approach every match. Frustrations at your earlier failures...
6 8072

Just because I'm technically on "vacation" doesn't mean I'm not following every drip of news regarding AC4: Black Flag multiplayer. Today, Loomer released a...
2 6667

I am an Assassin's Creed multiplayer noob. And I will be one long into Black Flag. As you read this, I'm either already in-game...
6 5887

With Assassin's Creed IV sort of kinda almost on the horizon and its press footage promising change like the most beggar-friendly man in the...