Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag

9 5269

I'm plodding my way through AC3 right now, and having played Revelations not long ago, I can honestly say there's been a downward trend...
6 8077

Just because I'm technically on "vacation" doesn't mean I'm not following every drip of news regarding AC4: Black Flag multiplayer. Today, Loomer released a...
6 5890

With Assassin's Creed IV sort of kinda almost on the horizon and its press footage promising change like the most beggar-friendly man in the...
8 8613

If you're part of the Assassin's Creed multiplayer community, you're probably nervous about AC4: Black Flag. It's not that you've heard anything bad per...
5 3162

Last year, Rabid Ferret had the distinguished honor of representing Top Tier Tactics at E3. This year, the pleasure is all mine. There are certainly tons...
21 13894

While my worst fears about Assassin's Creed 4 multiplayer will probably never manifest, Ubisoft has confirmed the...
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With Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, Ubisoft couldn't have picked a more appropriate theme...