
9 12495

Note: This is the first article in a series dissecting the good, bad, and horrid of Dark Souls 2. Rebuttals to the arguments presented...
21 11255

It happens with every multiplayer game. As the initial excitement wears off, complaints begin to surface: bugs, glitches, server problems... a whole host of...
2 3823

If you're familiar with Loomer979, you know he takes his Assassin's Creed just as seriously as I do. So when he...
77 16400

We know you're on the edge of your seats to learn more about Assassin's Creed 3. No, not the single player missions you'll finish...
0 3504

Like many topics I'll cover in Dumbfounding Design, this one isn't a new idea.  Used in RPGs in the 1980s, the idea of regenerating...
14 3946

I'm on a Battlefield kick right now, I guess, but I have to get this off my chest. First, there are beta complaints. "It damaged...
1 2011

With all the  hype surrounding the upkoming Marvel vs Capcom 3, most...
5 4304

The poor, poor Pyro. Long-relegated by...