
10 10015

With nearly one year since the last official announcement about the upcoming Namco fighter, it's no wonder fans have begun to ask themselves increasingly...
15 9651

While Soul Calibur 5 has proven itself a fairly balanced game so far, Namco-Bandai has announced it will...
35 15504

Some people call it "rage quitting." Others call it "immature." But let's face it: disconnecting from a ranked match is completely justified when...
6 6690

Just when the entire 8WayRun community, including me, was about to give up on Ms. Valentine, some guy named LinkRKC strolls along and...
4 9081

Assuming you've read my Soul Calibur 5 review, you know I'm enjoying Namco's latest fighter quite a bit. And though many...
6 8874

Soul Calibur V has only been out one day (well, a few days in New Jersey), so it's only natural everyone's looking for an...