Battlefield (series)

2 3658

One of the hallmarks of both the T3 community and its writers is our skill in our chosen games. WiNG for example, destroys at...
0 1925

Our Lord, Master, and Omniscient leader WiNGSPANTT is away at E3 for the next week, which means I've control of the site in his...
7 9063

I have been playing Battlefield titles for a decade now. I grew up with them being my favorite first person shooters, and Battlefield...
6 3376

NOTE: I'll have a full analysis of Dawnguard when Bethesda does their next reveal. I figure enough people have done E3 analysis...
11 7059

Before we go any farther, no, I'm not talking about USAS with frag rounds. No, I'm not talking about M320 spam on Grand Bazaar....
2 2657

Hate me if you must, but I've been enjoying a fair bit of Modern Warfare 2 lately. And because, as we all know, most...
16 8136

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine was telling me how he had recently bought a copy of Unreal Tournament 3 and...
1 2777

Before I get into the story of game stories, let's discuss a bit about the backstory of my own story. I'm going for my major...
14 3937

I'm on a Battlefield kick right now, I guess, but I have to get this off my chest. First, there are beta complaints. "It damaged...
2 2084

Like I said way back when I asked for your clips from TF2, I have the capability to put together high res, high quality...