Battlefield 3

4 9380

This guest post comes from DarkSydeGeoff, also known as GeoffTheHero. You may know him from his YouTube exploits,
0 7254

About 6 months ago I purchased my Zowie AM, but I had a really hard time choosing among the all of the mice out...
5 6050

The Humble Indie bundle has become a bit of a thing in the PC gaming community. Independent developers package up their budget titles, then consumers...
3 5329

Getting a chance to play Battlefield 4 was no easy task. Each day at E3, DICE representatives would hand out a limited number...
7 9064

I have been playing Battlefield titles for a decade now. I grew up with them being my favorite first person shooters, and Battlefield...
3 3794

Well folks, this is it: Battlefield 3’s next and final DLC, Endgame, is just around the corner. While certainly not everything has been revealed, three...
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In Battlefield 3, just choosing your primary weapon isn't enough. If you want to compete, you'll have to carefully choose from the plethora...
1 12626

Prules is an FPS veteran who has primarily earned his stripes in the Battlefield series....
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NOTE: I'll have a full analysis of Dawnguard when Bethesda does their next reveal. I figure enough people have done E3 analysis...
5 2240 For those of you who still care about Battlefield 3, you may or may not know about PTFO: Directors Cut, a community event...