Battlefield 3

6 3184

It's moving backwards in time, and it's getting a new name. This is Dumbfounding Design, the new Three Tip Burst. Rather than providing tips...
11 6998

Before we go any farther, no, I'm not talking about USAS with frag rounds. No, I'm not talking about M320 spam on Grand Bazaar....
2 2706

When I posted the nigh-unbelievably long Battlefield 3 patch notes yesterday, I couldn't get over just how many...
5 3516

While I normally take the time to go through patch note posts and share my opinion on most of the changes, that won't be...
0 1533

It's that time again. While I've actually produced one more video than what you'll see below, I'm waiting for it to post on PixelEnemyRevive. I'll...
hakan super street fighter 4 ae 2012 arcade edition
5 2790

Do you have an incredible strategy video or pointer you think Top Tier Tactics should see? Submit it today! As...
5 2592

With a new set of videos comes a new short article showing them off. The release of the Back to Karkand expansion had absolutely...
16 8077

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine was telling me how he had recently bought a copy of Unreal Tournament 3 and...
1 3130

With WiNG busy shopping for last-minute Christmas gifts, yours truly was once again able to successfully infiltrate his mighty fortress. Thanks to the spare key...
12 6928

I don't want to get to far into this right now, but the short and long of it is that a lot of games...