Battlefield 4

7 5222

Before the release of either BF4 or Ghosts, I wrote an article asking which of the two games you chose to play. Reactions...
0 8655

The assault class has always been the standard by which the rest of the Battlefield games are set. In Bad Company 2, they were...
1 4571

For everyone experiencing in Battlefield 4 major lag, crashes, bugs, death behind otherwise solid walls, I feel your pain. And communities are quick to...
0 10471

While not new to the Battlefield franchise, it's been some time since Commander mode's been available. Now that it's back, inexperienced commanders will likely...
3 10327

As the Beta wound down, DICE gifted us with the new Obliteration game mode, possibly their most chaotic yet. There is a very specific...
1 8566

The Battlefield 4 Beta is in full swing, and already we've learned a ton about what BF4 is all about. Whether you're new to...
3 3888

October is less than a month away, and for those of you in the demo open beta for Battlefield 4, it's less than a...
21 7997

The internet is abuzz with news of the newest Call of Battle 5.62: Specters of The Ancient East and its competitor Battle Called...something, something....
3 5335

Getting a chance to play Battlefield 4 was no easy task. Each day at E3, DICE representatives would hand out a limited number...
0 2506

E3's been and gone, and while our All-Powerful Master WiNGSPANTT makes it safely home, I want to go through my top picks from the...