
10 10015

With nearly one year since the last official announcement about the upcoming Namco fighter, it's no wonder fans have begun to ask themselves increasingly...
0 3870 Without knowing damage numbers, startup frames, or anything else, you probably can't start planning how you're going to use Ultra Street Fighter 4's...
1 31780

Following rumors that Capcom would be adding Red Focus and allowing double Ultra Combos in its upcoming Street Fighter 4 revision, the company announced...
9 10176

Within minutes of the Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement, slack-jawed comment pundits were decrying its existence. The litany of ignorant insinuation was basically endless: "Milked Franchise...
3 4928

Recently, something very interesting happened (this is rare). Browsing game-related stuff on YouTube, I came across a title that I had never heard of...
4 3828

If you're looking for the most entertaining, high-stakes Super Street Fighter 4 matches outside on Xbox Live, you could comb through millions of...
2 8720

Everyone loves an underdog. Close matches are exciting, and seeing a "loser" rise battle for victory can be invigorating. So when Breno Fighters came back...
2 8183

Street Fighter IV AE features a lot of gameplay mechanics that are both hallmarks of the greater Street Fighter series and are new to...
2 3450

If you follow competitive Street Fighter at all (and you really have no excuse now that Jozhear is on board), you know who Poongko...
9 6929

Every once in a while I'll get a message from another player who seems to have "hit a dead end." They've put their share...