card games

45 17567

Is it a leak? Is it an early release? Did Stainless decide to let Magic 2014 players open one present early this year? No matter...
2 8317

If you were to ask what is the most significant difference between Hearthstone and other card games, one very common answer would probably be...
26 16236

Before I started actually playing with Enchanter's Arsenal, I can't pretend I was hugely excited for the premise. After all, both Magic 2014 and...
2 4156

We're kicking off the Magic 2014 DLC Deck Pack #2 Preview with a solid game featuring Enchanter's Arsenal. This match pits the green/white pile...
6 11291

Hearthstone. That new card game in development by Blizzard that's drawing the attention of tabletop enthusiasts everywhere. Well, it's actually pretty good and you...
38 17691

Ah, reanimator. Laugher in the faces of removal spammers, breaker of mechanics, and generator of all-round silly things since Magic begun. It's a bit...
1 17666

Magic is an amazing game, it truly is. However, it's all too easy to contend yourself with simply playing Duels of the Planeswalkers and/or...
59 26394

Just when you were getting bored of having only 13 ways to lose to Avacyn's Glory, Wizards of the Coast comes to the rescue...
28 24490

Sword of the Samurai is the kind of deck someone would make if they've been playing Magic for, I dunno, seven months. They have...
25 11929

Hearthstone is Blizzard's new electronic card game a la DotP and it's fun. It's really fun. As in I can't stop playing it. It's remarkably...