competitive gaming

4 6300

From one Wordpress template blogger to another, I have to...
0 2008

I'm delaying my Tactical Thursday article in order to bring you the breaking news that LOL Terrans. In more serious detail, Starcraft 2 patch 1.1.2...
4 5371

This article is a continuation of a series. See Part 1 and Part 2 for context. [caption id="attachment_2215" align="alignright" width="256" caption="Starcraft...
3 4055

If, by some odd twist of fate, you've found my blog before you ever heard of David Sirlin, I would like to make a formal...
1 7789

With all the fawning and fanfare over Starcraft 2, it's easy to highlight how long it's been since the original Zergling simulator debuted, and...
0 2014

Eric Lancheres, killmaster extraordinaire and author of Fragging Fundamentals has recently approached me to offer a special partnership deal with the Child's...