console wars

17 14129

If you weren't aware, yesterday was a pretty important day. Out of seemingly nowhere, Microsoft completely backtracked on its digital rights management plan for...
53 24689

You hate Microsoft. Maybe you hated them before E3, maybe you hated them afterwards. Maybe it’s the $100 premium on their new console, the I-spy-with-my-little-eye...
1 2193

Why is Microsoft getting the ire of the gaming media right now? Well, all the big stuff is obvious. Microsoft overplayed its hand this console...
5 2583

With the 2013 E3 show only one day away (and with media presentations already under way), it's inevitable: gamers are going to get carried...
11 4357

Right now, executives at Sony are laughing. They’re laughing because their company trained and prepared and sweat and bled for a prize fight with Microsoft,...
1 3248

With only a few days left before E3, it appears the gaming community the vocal hardcore gaming crowd is officially losing its collective mind...
13 10024

We all have our opinions on the matter. XBOX is better than PlayStation is better than PC is better than blah blah blah. While...
8 6970

When news sprung that Xbox One games would have to be installed to the system’s hard drive, console gamers lost their minds....
14 7759

Just days after the official reveal of the Xbox One, the internet is being swarmed with complaints about Microsoft's newest gaming console. Their problems...
2 2523

When I originally backed the Ouya kickstarter, I didn't really know what to expect, other than a business expense tax deduction. Here was an...