Daigo Umehara

5 4111

After having been to three Evo tournaments now, they seem to move like clockwork. One second you're getting off your flight in nighttime Vegas...
2 3741

The EVO Championship Series 2012 Tournament is live, and if you're not watching it right now, you're missing out. If this year is anything like...
4 3603

It's that time of the year again. Next week is shoryuken.com's official fighting game tournament, the Evolution Tournament Series, which takes place at...
9 6924

Every once in a while I'll get a message from another player who seems to have "hit a dead end." They've put their share...
83 17266

There are some things that should never be combined. For instance, a man and his enemy's mother. Or peanut butter and foie gras. Or...
11 6050

I recently participated in a nicely organized SSF4 tournament at Reality's Edge in North Jersey, and found to my surprise that a...