Dark Souls

2 7263

Note: This is an article in a series dissecting the good, bad, and horrid of Dark Souls 2. Rebuttals to the arguments presented here will...
0 2311

As mentioned in my previous post, Dark Souls has consumed my life. But for those of you who've played it or want to watch...
3 5526

Having forsaken most of life's wonders in favor of Dark Souls, I can claim today to be far better at the game than I...
0 4524

Two days, two more round of Steam deals. Important-to-a-Certain-Religion-Holiday saw Skyrim and all it's DLC on sale. As of right now, it's all still...
19 7053

It's common opinion that games are becoming easier as time goes on. If we compare games to how the world's changing, it's easy to...
4 4822

I've recently begun making my way through my extensive Steam backlog, and decided to begin with Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition....
7 5170

If I had to guess, I'd say the average PC gamer has anywhere between thirty and three hundred games in his or her library....
13 8231

The barrier of entry to Dark Souls is high. So high, in fact, that many pick the game up, spend five minutes in sheer...
3 3355

Well, it's been a month - ample time for me to have beaten the new content in the Prepare to Die PC Edition of...
16 7485

On August 24th, the next installment in the D. Souls series of games comes out - Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition. Dying is something...