5 3560

While I normally take the time to go through patch note posts and share my opinion on most of the changes, that won't be...
0 1557

It's that time again. While I've actually produced one more video than what you'll see below, I'm waiting for it to post on PixelEnemyRevive. I'll...
1 3158

With WiNG busy shopping for last-minute Christmas gifts, yours truly was once again able to successfully infiltrate his mighty fortress. Thanks to the spare key...
12 6982

I don't want to get to far into this right now, but the short and long of it is that a lot of games...
11 5435

I'll leave all the meme jokes to the funny ones, since what I want to talk about here is no laughing matter, at least...
4 3993

It's been a while since our last installment of Tactical Tuesday/Thursday, hasn't it? With that in mind, I've decided to sneak into our beloved...
10 6972

I don't know who named the vehicles in Battlefield 3, but someone at DICE fucked up big time....
10 3640

A note to long-time readers: as of this post, I'm ending the Top Tier Tips...
5 8569

If you've been playing Battlefield 3 with any regularity, you've probably encountered a few dozen situations in which you...
14 10308

This is not Battlefield 2. No matter how hard you want it to be, it will never be its predecessor. But for those of...