4 3211

You've heard of "Battlefield Moments," and if you've played a Battlefield game before, you know it's more than a marketing buzzword. The mixture of...
14 3867

I'm on a Battlefield kick right now, I guess, but I have to get this off my chest. First, there are beta complaints. "It damaged...
2 2054

Like I said way back when I asked for your clips from TF2, I have the capability to put together high res, high quality...
7 4766

The beta's over and done with, and anyone that's played it is probably done with Metro for a long time to come. As for...
18 11377

While my last Battlefield 3 impressions article may have been peppered with complaints about the system by...
15 4651

Okay, here's the deal. I finally have a way of getting good looking footage up on YouTube, thanks in large part to WiNGSPANTT and...
4 2378

Top Tier Tactics would like to welcome Space Hamlet to our staff of regular writers....