Duels of the Planeswalkers

6 16520

You just love the digital experience Duels of the Planeswalkers. Of course you do. You enjoy playing highly synergistic and flavourful decks made of...
21 17966

Magic 2015 is at once the best and worst thing to happen to Wizard’s arcadey take on its popular trading card franchise. It has...
29 17665

When comparing decks in Duels of the Planeswalkers, as with many other things, relative matchups matter and subjective opinions are all you have to...
28 14530

Today's guest article is written by shawntown, a long-time gamer, Magic player, and writer. Not necessarily in that order.
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After the releases of DotP12 on the 15th of June, DotP13 on the 20th of June, and DotP14 on the 26th of June, it...
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After an unexplained delay of Valve proportions, Warsmith has finally arrived on non-Pad platforms. And all things were well forever. It's not the new...
19 13086

Faeries. Yes, indeed, faeries. To be honest, I would have expected more of this deck. It stands a moderate chance to win against non-revenge...
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Is it a leak? Is it an early release? Did Stainless decide to let Magic 2014 players open one present early this year? No matter...
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Our exclusive Magic 2014 DLC Deck Pack #2 preview continues with Up to Mischief, the new monoblue faerie-based option. Sporting a range of tricks,...
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Before I started actually playing with Enchanter's Arsenal, I can't pretend I was hugely excited for the premise. After all, both Magic 2014 and...