Duels of the Planeswalkers

12 9314

Well, shit. Remember the Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 DLC leak that hinted at IRL-locked content? Turns...
2 2910

It's going to take a little while before I can put together whole deck builds. Why's that? Because Wizards of the Coast went haywire with...
7 4163

New to Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 is a single player match type...
17 8547

If you're a fan of Stainless Games' take on Magic the Gathering, you're in luck. The next iteration of their Duels...
3 4252

Whether you first heard of Stainless Games from Magic the...
4 4262

  During the load screens of Magic the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers, the player is presented with tips intended to give beginners some...
19 9195

In my last Magic article about this deck, I pretty much just dropped two...
14 6217

People love to hate on Strength of Stone. "It's too slow. It's too weak. There's no synergy between any of the overcosted cards. The...
6 4279

It's been a while since I put together some Magic the Gathering videos and...
3 7845

Hydramarine of the Wizard of the Coasts message board sniffed through the Xbox 360 game code of Duels...