Electronic Arts (EA)

1 8372

The Battlefield 4 Beta is in full swing, and already we've learned a ton about what BF4 is all about. Whether you're new to...
3 3799

October is less than a month away, and for those of you in the demo open beta for Battlefield 4, it's less than a...
5 5975

The Humble Indie bundle has become a bit of a thing in the PC gaming community. Independent developers package up their budget titles, then consumers...
3 5258

Getting a chance to play Battlefield 4 was no easy task. Each day at E3, DICE representatives would hand out a limited number...
0 2433

E3's been and gone, and while our All-Powerful Master WiNGSPANTT makes it safely home, I want to go through my top picks from the...
0 1876

Our Lord, Master, and Omniscient leader WiNGSPANTT is away at E3 for the next week, which means I've control of the site in his...
0 10805

Crysis 3 does not boast the largest weapon count of shooters on the market today, opting instead for variety in smaller numbers. In Cry...
0 7881

With my knowledge know extended well into the final release of Crysis 3, I think it high time I talk to the more experienced...
7 8923

I have been playing Battlefield titles for a decade now. I grew up with them being my favorite first person shooters, and Battlefield...
4 16219

Something of a mix between Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield, Crysis 3 is a fun shooter with some even more entertaining tactics. While...