Electronic Arts (EA)

6 11698

Imagine for a second you live in the future. You've got a Mattel-brand hoverboard*, you eat space food, and you're fighting against the Reapers...
3 3573

Before you scroll down, here's the good news: lots of weapons got buffed. Nearly every assault rifle and SMG (yes, they are actually in...
8 9663

Playing pansy-ass glass cannon characters like Drell Adepts or Quarian Spec Ops fighters isn't for everyone. Even...
6 6395

While I normally don't use my blog for posting meme-like pictures, I have a few exceptions. Actually, the only exception is I'm the one who...
12 11313

In the Mass Effect universe, the Drell are known for two things: being really fatal, and being fatally ill. They're trained masters of martial...
16 14067

So, you've finished the single player campaign and saved the galaxy from the Reapers.* Or maybe you're simply trying to boost your Effective Military...
51 21010

WARNING: This article contains massive spoilers for the Mass Effect series and the ending of Mass Effect 3. Look, I'm on the same...
15 5739

No game series, to my knowledge, has accomplished what Bioware set out to do with Mass Effect. Yes, good/evil decision trees have existed in games...
1 4914

Let me get this out of the way: I'm not any good at SimCity. I sucked at SimCity on the SNES, and I sucked at...
7 4902

If you've played through Mass Effect and, optionally, Mass Effect 2, you know there's something about the game that sets it apart...