
0 2364

Hey everyone, WiNGSPAN here with a short announcement. It has come to my attention that the forum software has, over the course of some months,...
2 2324

When I first announced the T3 Forums, I didn't really know what to expect. Part of me thought they'd be a dustbowl of digital...
0 4188

I know people are always looking for these (for some reason) and I also know they’re not really worth much, so I figured I’d...
4 2197

Recently I've had a large number of friend requests coming in on Steam and Xbox Live. While I'm somewhat used to it,...
19 8245

Well, it's been a short time in the making, but the T3 Forums have finally arrived. An on-again, off-again requested feature, the forums came back...
13 3582

My word this has been a long time coming. I want to start out by saying mad props of huge proportion to Mr. WiNG...