first person shooter (FPS)

4 3992

It's been a while since our last installment of Tactical Tuesday/Thursday, hasn't it? With that in mind, I've decided to sneak into our beloved...
9 4725

Look, we can't all be great at Battlefield 3. Hell, we can't all be good at it. Personally, my aim is mediocre, and...
9 6621

Chopper. Airshark. Whirligig. The modern attack helicopter goes by many formal names in today's armed forces, but without a proper pilots, its name might as...
16 7337

My esteemed comrade Rabid Ferret has already written a review of Modern Warfare 3 for this site, and while I completely...
2 2482

There's rocket jumping, flare jumping, and turnstyle jumping. Odds are,...
10 6972

I don't know who named the vehicles in Battlefield 3, but someone at DICE fucked up big time....
10 3640

A note to long-time readers: as of this post, I'm ending the Top Tier Tips...
33 8192

I'm going to skip the obvious jokes and foreplay: this is pretty much a minorly tweaked version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare...
7 3016

Driving home today, I came across a large truck with a bunch of bumper stickers on it. All of them were military, and one...
0 1516

As you may recall back during the Battlefield 3 Beta, I started a little video series called Tips from Clips, where I broke down...