Mass Effect 3

1 3630

Memorial Day isn't like Christmas or Thanksgiving, where everyone gets to participate. All the people who actually matter this Monday simply aren't around to...
10 7073

With the arrival of Diablo 3 and its real money auction house (RMAH), players worldwide* have fallen into shouting matches about the value...

Today, Munmen shares his advice on Mass Effect 3 multiplayer strategy from behind the refuge of cover, a cloak, and 600 meters...
3 6987

There are a lot of reasons you might want to play the Quarian Engineer. Perhaps you enjoy elemental chaos. Or you're just a fan...
10 7345

Have a squadmate who continually drags down the team? Perhaps he's halfway across the map, expecting a revive. Or maybe she's sitting on four Cobra...
6 11750

Imagine for a second you live in the future. You've got a Mattel-brand hoverboard*, you eat space food, and you're fighting against the Reapers...
3 3604

Before you scroll down, here's the good news: lots of weapons got buffed. Nearly every assault rifle and SMG (yes, they are actually in...
8 9742

Playing pansy-ass glass cannon characters like Drell Adepts or Quarian Spec Ops fighters isn't for everyone. Even...
6 6447

While I normally don't use my blog for posting meme-like pictures, I have a few exceptions. Actually, the only exception is I'm the one who...
12 11425

In the Mass Effect universe, the Drell are known for two things: being really fatal, and being fatally ill. They're trained masters of martial...