
12 17345

As many of you may (or may not) remember, I wrote an article two years ago about why I didn't want to play...
2 4180

Fire damage is overpowered. Even worse, everyone knows fire damage is overpowered. Hell, the devs have said so on the forums. "For most situations, yes, we must...
21 11259

It happens with every multiplayer game. As the initial excitement wears off, complaints begin to surface: bugs, glitches, server problems... a whole host of...
20 9481

You've heard of the Prisoners' Dilemma, haven't you? Two men are arrested and given the option to either cooperate with the pigs or stay silent....
42 13211

Dear Intellectual Opponents, You seem to be under the impression that I am promoting the Hidden Gun to people because I believe it to be...