massively multiplayer online gaming (MMO)

13 5928

When I told a coworker I had picked up EVE Online, he laughed. "If you had to guess," he said," how many banners did it...
2 5827

Promising better graphics, better balance, an improved interface and (yes) paintable spaceships, CCP has rolled out a major patch for EVE Online: Rubicon today....
9 11693

If you were lucky enough to have experienced the grandeur, depth, and gravitas of the original Homeworld real time...

Want to get started in Guild Wars 2 but aren't sure where to begin? Harsh from the
208 59466

Background information: On Thursday, August 30th, I received notification from the Guild Wars 2 client that my account was temporarily banned for...
3 6786

Want to get started in Guild Wars 2 but aren't sure where to begin? Harsh from the
22 6708

With Guild Wars 2 officially live, you may or may not be looking for like-minded players with whom to play. Or perhaps you just...

Want to get started in Guild Wars 2 but aren't sure where to begin? Harsh from the
5 3421

Sometimes, people will mention an event that has long passed. Something that had drifted to the edges of your conscious memory and slid into...
2 3508

In the first installment of Grind Wars (assuming you haven't forgotten about it), I talked about my lofty goals for Guild Wars' Hall...