
1 3156

With WiNG busy shopping for last-minute Christmas gifts, yours truly was once again able to successfully infiltrate his mighty fortress. Thanks to the spare key...
4 3992

It's been a while since our last installment of Tactical Tuesday/Thursday, hasn't it? With that in mind, I've decided to sneak into our beloved...
58 15406

Looking for AC3 info instead? Read our Assassin's Creed 3 multiplayer ability...
9 4366

Since the Steam Summer Sale offered Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood at 50% this week, I thought I'd purchase it...
13 3662

I had some additional time to play Revelations and ask the Ubisoft reps more questions! Here's what I learned: Contested kills will occur when a...
6 4272

As you could probably tell from the advertisement in the northeast corner of the site,...