
5 3721

I know everyone loves Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood strategy, so here's my most recent masterpiece: a full...
4 2487

In the spirit of the holidays, I've made two Super Street Fighter IV online match compilations, showing off my so-so abilities as Vega AKA...
3 4053

If, by some odd twist of fate, you've found my blog before you ever heard of David Sirlin, I would like to make a formal...
1 1971

Among the nuanced changes we've seen come to gaming in tandem with the Internet age, online transactions are probably the second most obvious (behind,...
1 2475

From time to time, Top Tier Tactics will feature guest articles with particular depth or insight into gaming, strategy, and the great beyond. The...
1 3221

WARNING: This post contains a video with extremely NSFW language, which is visible in the preview. It's happened to all of us. You're just minding...