
7 15827

Upon reading Xiant's recent piece on unconventional ways to improve your gameplay, I...
14 7337

In one of this site's earliest articles, I talked about the value of sound in online gaming. And no, not just for ear...
10 5192

While there's certainly a lot of videogame tribute music out there, you must admit most of it is terrible. From the mediocre high school chorus...
11 9064

Make no mistake: I'm no musician, but I love writing lyrics. Something about the constraints of the rhythm, the unwavering momentum of the melody, and...
Sonic Generations Sega E3 2011
6 2806

What makes a Sonic the Hedgehog game? Is it blistering speed, precise platforming, or memorable, strangle-worthy characters? For the past decade, it's been terrible, glitchy...