open world

4 7642

When you're reading this article, one of three things will be true. Either you were a very intelligent person and bought Just Cause 2...
9 5360

I'm plodding my way through AC3 right now, and having played Revelations not long ago, I can honestly say there's been a downward trend...
4 5604

While the petition is a valiant effort, to be sure it's unlikely to change Rockstar's stance on the PC release. That GTA 5...
6 9183

I wasn't planning on getting Far Cry 3 until sometime around Christmas. I was, however, getting bored with shooters, and frustrated with Assassin's Creed...
2 13863

There aren't many things more satisfying than silently destroying your enemies and their lives onces they've destroyed yours. While the game punishes you for...