painful memories

9 3004

Do you have a personal disaster you're unable to solve? Ask Top Tier Tips for...
1 3149

Sorry folks, no Win...
12 4165

Thanks to ParanoidDrone for this Tactical Tuesday submission! [caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignright" width="256" caption="The westward stab is usually disfavored for its noisy execution and pithy, low-class...
1 1968

Among the nuanced changes we've seen come to gaming in tandem with the Internet age, online transactions are probably the second most obvious (behind,...
2 1661

Just a heads up to anyone who would like to associate my online persona with my incredibly annoying voice, I'll be a guest on...
1 3221

WARNING: This post contains a video with extremely NSFW language, which is visible in the preview. It's happened to all of us. You're just minding...
2 3659

Although it's a little embarrassing to admit, I've been an avid fan of
1 2388

Some games like to ease you into the action. A short tutorial, some easy-to-kill henchmen...a snarky sidekick to teach you the ropes... that sort...