
1 4226

Respawn announced the details of the next patch. There is still apparently more to come so be sure to check back here when more...
1 3803

I gave you the notes, now here are my thoughts on them. There wasn't much to fume about in the changes here, beyond...
1 8520

Titanfall felt like a solid title on release, but there's always room for improvement, especially when it comes to the ass clown gun smart...
1 4568

For everyone experiencing in Battlefield 4 major lag, crashes, bugs, death behind otherwise solid walls, I feel your pain. And communities are quick to...
0 9634

It's that odd Wednesday again; Smite has been patched, this time adding in yet another bloody mage with an unpronounceable name. I shall dub...
3 3659

Before you scroll down, here's the good news: lots of weapons got buffed. Nearly every assault rifle and SMG (yes, they are actually in...
15 9651

While Soul Calibur 5 has proven itself a fairly balanced game so far, Namco-Bandai has announced it will...
2 2738

When I posted the nigh-unbelievably long Battlefield 3 patch notes yesterday, I couldn't get over just how many...
5 3560

While I normally take the time to go through patch note posts and share my opinion on most of the changes, that won't be...
57 13556

Yes, kids, the "leaked" 1.02 patch list from last week was fake. Sure, I threw in the requisite minimum number of serious-sounding changes...