13 7188

I like candy, bubblegum, and taffy. I like...
1 3110

Sorry folks, no Win...
12 4026

Thanks to ParanoidDrone for this Tactical Tuesday submission! [caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignright" width="256" caption="The westward stab is usually disfavored for its noisy execution and pithy, low-class...

Recursive picture is Recursive Minecraft, which has become...
13 4167

Team Fortress 2 Community Contributor Payday Steamworks Enables Peer-to-Peer Content Creation October 21, 2010 -- Valve announced the success of the Team Fortress 2 (TF2)...
3 4064

Not much to say other than the latest in my Spy Lesson series is complete. Check out the video below, or click...
12 7631

Every week, Win Conditioning explores the application of strategy and tactics to games without predetermined win conditions. SergeT3 premiered Win Conditioning with