rage quit

16 8813

Whether you're really good or really bad at a game, odds are you're gonna get hatemail. Hell, you'll probably get it anyway. After all,...
35 15505

Some people call it "rage quitting." Others call it "immature." But let's face it: disconnecting from a ranked match is completely justified when...
33 11916

Before a few weeks ago, I haven't heard the word "tryhard" outside of some friends' comments about celebrity fashion. I definitely got it: the...
12 3635

I didn't know who Zaipipa was until recently, when I participated in the
9 3004

Do you have a personal disaster you're unable to solve? Ask Top Tier Tips for...
4 3054

If there's one thing gamers of middling skill hate, it's button mashers. We all know a button masher: a sibling, a child,...
1 3221

WARNING: This post contains a video with extremely NSFW language, which is visible in the preview. It's happened to all of us. You're just minding...