real life

6 9737

Game libraries get big, on Steam or on the shelf. We've played a lot of them to death, and just can't find it in...
4 3143

Recently I wrote an introductory guide for Duels of the Planeswalkers players curious about getting into paper Magic, so if you missed that, head...
18 8790

Wizards has been bringing Magic: The Gathering to the general public in a very accessible way for three years now with its
2 4103

Pre-release events are going on today and tomorrow for the upcoming Magic: The Gathering Return to Ravnica set. For those planning on attending or...
6 4693

Pulling up to The Only Game in Town (which is in no way connected to the mafia) in Somerset, NJ, I was...
5 3440

Sometimes, people will mention an event that has long passed. Something that had drifted to the edges of your conscious memory and slid into...
2 3526

In the first installment of Grind Wars (assuming you haven't forgotten about it), I talked about my lofty goals for Guild Wars' Hall...
12 9408

Well, shit. Remember the Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 DLC leak that hinted at IRL-locked content? Turns...
12 6319

The day after the Guild Wars 2 beta weekend event ended, I felt fine. I had enjoyed my virtual exploits and gotten a good...
5 5065

I'm not a designer or anything, but when I stumbled upon this NeoGaf thread about custom cover art, I was completely elated...