real life

20 9472

You've heard of the Prisoners' Dilemma, haven't you? Two men are arrested and given the option to either cooperate with the pigs or stay silent....
31 17158

Back when I was trying to get this gig, I wrote an article about things you should keep around your gaming station for...
8 2687

There isn't much to say about me, really. I'm a simple man. A noble man. A humble man. So it's always a surprise when...
10 5327

Knowledge isn't something that comes out of a book. Hell, it's not even something that necessarily comes from a teacher's mouth. Every day, we...

Hello readers! It's been a while, but I'm not going to get sentimental or any of that crap. Instead, I'm going...
0 1287

By the time you read this, Top Tier Tactics will be functionally disabled in protest of the American government's continued insistence of ill-informed legislation....
4 2191

Recently I've had a large number of friend requests coming in on Steam and Xbox Live. While I'm somewhat used to it,...
12 4257

January 1, 2011 - Top Tier Tactics is pleased to announce that it is hiring Paul Christoforo of Ocean Stratagy (formerly Ocean...
5 3816

While people from the future those east of the United States have already rung in the new year, Americans are just now catching up....
11 6266

When you tell someone you're a gamer, you get a pretty standard reaction. Women inch away from you, mothers shield their children's eyes and...