Respawn Entertainment

3 6470

Let me start by saying that I like Titanfall. The positive, thoughtless stress it induces is clearly amongst the most fun experiences gaming currently...
1 4226

Respawn announced the details of the next patch. There is still apparently more to come so be sure to check back here when more...
1 3803

I gave you the notes, now here are my thoughts on them. There wasn't much to fume about in the changes here, beyond...
1 8520

Titanfall felt like a solid title on release, but there's always room for improvement, especially when it comes to the ass clown gun smart...
1 4682

Now that we've covered the weapons of Titanfall, it's time to cover what your Pilots can do when shooting isn't necessarily the aim....
4 6606

We've covered basic pilot tactics, and basic titan strategies in Attrition and by extension other modes, but Titanfall allows you to equip both man...
0 4007

Robot speed is all you need At first glance, you wouldn’t think a 24 foot tall mass of steel, bullets, and general mayhem would have...
0 3490

Speed is always the key: for players Momentum is huge in Titanfall, both as a player and as a team. Though I mentioned in...
0 4241

Titanfall’s maps are big, especially given the twitchy nature of the action that takes place. Time to kill is similarly quick, and in a...
0 2874

As the official release is midnight tonight, this will be the final Preparing for Titanfall article, focusing on one of the game's key traits:...