Spies vs. Mercs

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For those of you who picked up Blacklist in the recent Steam sale, let me welcome you to the world of Spies vs. Mercs...
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Surviving as a Merc is hard in Blacklist mode. Four Spies means twice the insta-kill lunge bullet sponge, and twice the too-long stun crossbow. It...
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With the introduction of Blacklist mode, four custom built Spies and four equally customized Mercs square off in a well lit environment that demands...
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Want more Top Tier Tactics? Download the full Blacklist SvM Classic Guide Add it to your cart now or click the cover for details about this e-book. [product id=""...
5 6837

Want more Top Tier Tactics? Download the full Blacklist SvM Classic Guide Add it to your cart now or click the cover for details about this e-book. [product id=""...
6 16754

Now that Blacklist is out, I've spent a fair bit of time in Spies vs. Mercs, both Classic and the new Blacklist...