
6 16747

Now that Blacklist is out, I've spent a fair bit of time in Spies vs. Mercs, both Classic and the new Blacklist...
14 18464

Overpowered is a word thrown this way and that by angry or misinformed gamers of all stripes. Sometimes the argument is legitimate, other times...
9 14829

Gentlemen – you may have noticed that, some weeks ago, our noble benefactors at Valve saw fit to deploy a massive update to Team...
17 10145

Jumping into a game of Team Fortress 2 for the first time in months, there are certain things you forget (for instance, just how...
2 4033

While you're probably really busy doing important things like protecting Mann Co. from a neverending onslaught of Gray robots, perhaps you could use a...
team fortress 2 how to play spy wingspantt toptiertactics
10 3727

It's been a while since I sorted through all the messages that come in through the T3 mailbox, and in my opinion that...
5 5218

My last spy article was almost a year ago now, sometime in mid-March of last year. I've been watching stabby's videos again,...
TF2 Under Construction
18 7074

Something has happened to Team Fortress 2. Once, the game was remarkable for its never-ending content patches, quadrupling the game's scope with new game modes...
hakan super street fighter 4 ae 2012 arcade edition
5 2835

Do you have an incredible strategy video or pointer you think Top Tier Tactics should see? Submit it today! As...
8 2612

Complaining about overpowered weapons is something all hardcore gamers look forward to when a new game comes out. While they'd never admit it openly, raging...