
83 17272

There are some things that should never be combined. For instance, a man and his enemy's mother. Or peanut butter and foie gras. Or...
19 8053

The last time we spoke about Team Fortress 2 Spy strategy, I'll admit...
22 5502

Look guys, I get it. I done goofed, and consequences will never be the same. I may have forgotten to check the mailbox for a few...
5 8685

While I spoke last week about the secret of how to play Spy...
team fortress 2 how to play spy wingspantt toptiertactics
11 9251

There's a secret to playing Spy in Team Fortress 2. A secret that, at some level, everyone knows but simply cannot easily articulate. Something that,...
6 3568

Last week, I called out to you, dear reader for help. I stated my simple goal: to revive Tactical Tuesday/Thursday and bring back a...
11 7138

In case you've been living under the assistance of a socialist government a rock, Valve decided to partner its favorite hat simulator with gaming's...
8 3063

So, this episode of Top Tier Tips may be a few weeks late. And by few, I mean...
12 9127

If you've ever followed any of Team Fortress 2's renowned Spy tutorial video editors (I'll assume you're here, since I count myself among them),...
14 7130

Let's be honest with ourselves – most of TF2's classes don't offer much in the way of player creativity. The majority of them...