
5 4190

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is the newest iteration in the sci-fi-historo-fantasy series by Ubisoft in which players help a man named Desmond retrace his...
10 4539

Okay, so I guess this post really has nothing to do with zombie espionage, though the idea is interesting.* Instead, I've received a few...
12 4166

Thanks to ParanoidDrone for this Tactical Tuesday submission! [caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignright" width="256" caption="The westward stab is usually disfavored for its noisy execution and pithy, low-class...
3 4105

Not much to say other than the latest in my Spy Lesson series is complete. Check out the video below, or click...
7 3120

A Mann Co. Name Tag recently came into my possession. I pondered for many minutes on its use. Should it be used for good, or...
7 2667

Due to completely foreseen circumstances, I'll be posting the Polycount Madness Day 5 update tomorrow. As a token of my regret and good will,...
6 4620

It should come as no surprise to fans of the oldest-running Team Fortress 2 Spy lesson/shameless advertisement series that the first class to fall...
4 4047

Two big things going on this October: 1. WiNG's TF2 Spy Lesson #11 is out [caption id="attachment_2037" align="alignright" width="250" caption="WiNGSPANTT gladly accepts weapons, hats, crates, keys,...
3 2270

Just a quick note: the next installment in my Spy video series should be complete sometime late next week (possibly earlier if...
0 1424

This isn't anything major, but I've updated the Spy Lesson video pages to fall into a much more organized list, allowing you...