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Welcome to Part 3 in WiNGSPANTT's Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag multiplayer strategy guide! Line of Sight (LOS) As with behavioral recognition,...
1 9571

Welcome to Part 2 in WiNGSPANTT's Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag multiplayer strategy guide! Abilities After your HUD, abilities will be...
2 12553

Welcome to Part 1 in WiNGSPANTT's Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag multiplayer strategy guide! Identifying Targets, Part I: Game basics and...
25 67365

For weeks and weeks, I grinded out games of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag multiplayer. I took notes. I did research. I watched other...
13 19036

Welcome to Part 17 in WiNGSPANTT's Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag multiplayer strategy guide! Short introduction about ability balance and skill...
8 13533

Completing AC4's cooperative Wolfpack mode solo isn't just for bragging rights. It can help you unlock challenges of every difficulty with ease while giving...
4 16698

This article is an excerpt from the upcoming Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Multiplayer Strategy Guide.   When it comes to identifying your target,...