
2 13864

There aren't many things more satisfying than silently destroying your enemies and their lives onces they've destroyed yours. While the game punishes you for...
2 3827

If you're familiar with Loomer979, you know he takes his Assassin's Creed just as seriously as I do. So when he...
58 15408

Looking for AC3 info instead? Read our Assassin's Creed 3 multiplayer ability...
5 3754

With Assassin's Creed Revelations released, I've decided to take my knowledge and arrogance from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood multiplayer...
5 8571

If you've been playing Battlefield 3 with any regularity, you've probably encountered a few dozen situations in which you...
19 8060

The last time we spoke about Team Fortress 2 Spy strategy, I'll admit...
team fortress 2 how to play spy wingspantt toptiertactics
11 9256

There's a secret to playing Spy in Team Fortress 2. A secret that, at some level, everyone knows but simply cannot easily articulate. Something that,...
3 4285

In today's video, we delve into Pienza in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood PC. While I continue to rely on my mainstay tricks of the trade,...
9 4367

Since the Steam Summer Sale offered Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood at 50% this week, I thought I'd purchase it...